SPARKIT ("Schools Parents Associations for Regional Knowledge In Thailand") is a network of parent associations from major international schools in Bangkok. We provide a platform for parent associations to share information, knowledge and resources to tackle common challenges. SPARKIT was set up by Friends of Bangkok Prep in 2023.

Parents Associations often face the same challenges - running successful fundraising events, communicating with parents, finding suitable vendors for events, and navigating Thai bureaucracy!.

We have a private LINE group with parent representatives from different parent association committees. Each participating association can add two or three current committee members to the group, and would be free to share information or questions with the others, for example:

In the future we could perhaps organize meetups or friendly inter-school competitions e.g. a inter-school parents trivia event or sports league.

Founding Members

Contact Us

For any questions or feedback, please email us at fobp.bkkprep@gmail.com